Jul 24, 2009

Web 2.0 Social Media Quiet Achiever -Oz PM K Rudd

I really enjoyed Matt Crozier's review of Web 2.0 afficianado Oz PM  self styled "KRudd", as I enjoy reading most of the "Bang the Table" crew's social media postings. Overall positive, but Matt Crozier did provide a critique of the PM's blog being "moderated."

It's easy to criticise the "moderation" of Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's blog, which sees a delay in comments being posted, rather than in "real time".

However some federal government authorities with public social media interfaces have to do a daily cleanup.

Why? Not necessarily censoring comments critical of the PM's actions and authority.

No - rather it's the clean up of the daily "porn spamming" contingent - which so many of us involved in social media are only too well aware every day.

So maybe PM KRudd's blog could be done better - but imagine what it would be like if there wasn't moderation ? Now that's a worry.


Posted via web from kerrieannesfridgemagnets's posterous

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